December 31, 2019

A Big Year

I’ve been looking for the right word to describe 2019 at the day job, and the best I can do is this.


It’s not the perfect word, but a lot happened at the day job on a number of fronts.

  • I took on a tough new role
  • I traveled for work much more than I was ready to
  • I saw people I care about move on
  • I did everything, anything I could to help us move forward
  • I put my heart into a fairly exhaustive effort to solve some of our biggest challenges
  • We started pushing hard into new verticals I don’t know as well
  • And eventually found myself back where I started, running marketing

Not surprisingly, I was worn out. Mentally. Physically. Emotionally. It took me a while to admit it, but once I did I knew I needed a break. I’d never taken PTO just to recharge the batteries, but yesterday was my first day of work in over two weeks. I skied, I played, I sat on the floor and did absolutely nothing.

It was wonderful.

And during those two weeks as I thought forward to 2020, I realized a few things.

First, it’s gonna be a big year for Inntopia. An important year. We’re in a good place, but nothing is guaranteed. We’ve gotta be creative and smart. I’ve gotta be creative and smart.

Second, it’s an important year for me. I’m back at my roots – marketing – after a year nurturing and discovering strengths in product, design, development, and, as crazy as it’d sound to a younger version of myself, leadership.

Third, somewhere in the combination of those two things will be some important lessons for me. So, I’m gonna do the same thing I’ve decided to do with SendView and write about them.

The result will likely be some combination of B2B marketing lessons and personal development, but the plan is to take a few minutes each Friday afternoon to think over the week, digest it all through a quick bit of writing, and get ready for the next.

Ready or not, here we go.

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Hi, I'm Gregg.

I'm a SaaS marketer and maker.


Never heard of me? All good, these days I don't chase influence as much as I do balance. By day I run marketing for Inntopia and evenings see me building SendView, but my happy place is playing in the mountains with my family.