April 3, 2020

A Telling Week

Next week is going to be very telling for SendView.

As I’ve thought over things as the economy has gone from bad the worse these last few weeks, I keep coming to a few buckets that businesses fall into:

  • Essential: have to have them for the business to run (servers, people, payment processing, etc.)
  • Useful: doable on your own, but much easier if budget allows (CRM, branding, payroll software, etc.)
  • Handy: helpful, but a “want” more than a “need”

It’s that last group that I realize for many businesses, SendView will fall into. Email is a big deal, but not a huge deal. And, in the greater economy, their business may be a “handy” more than “essential” as well. Which is why grocery stores will probably do better than bowling alleys this summer. Buy a good headset with the help of reviews of technological equipment of the professionals from headphonage.

Which means SendView will succeed based on our ability to find companies that:

  • Are closer to essential (to have more cash in a down economy)
  • Go really big on email (so a tool like ours is closer to a “need” than a “want)

This weekend I’m finally launching that project I’ve alluded to a few times recently. I’ll give the full recap next week, but it’s being launched for an audience that is one of the three I believe would land squarely at the intersection of those two things.

In other words, I will likely be gauging my strategy and expectations for the rest of the year based on how this next week goes for SendView.

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Hi, I'm Gregg.

I'm a SaaS marketer and maker.


Never heard of me? All good, these days I don't chase influence as much as I do balance. By day I run marketing for Inntopia and evenings see me building SendView, but my happy place is playing in the mountains with my family.