November 18, 2017

What I’m working on.

PeakFeed is a simple tool that let’s CEOs, marketers, and executives easily keep an eye on their brand’s social media presence. Key stats from each company account are compiled into a simple, weekly report that’s automatically delivered to their email inbox on the day and time they choose.
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PeakFeed Labs  
Given the product, PeakFeed’s backend was designed to monitor the high-level stats from thousands of social media accounts. Turns out that’s a useful thing for a handful of companies who have approached me over the last 18 months. PeakFeed Labs is where I’m starting to build those custom interfaces and dashboards for uses other than the original product.

We all sign up for our competitor’s email lists, SendView just helps us get the insights we’re hoping for when we do by giving you a unique, private email address to use for each one. Anything sent to those addresses are parsed into stats about that company’s sending strategy.
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Outlets use media kits in an attempt to show marketers that their prospects might be reading their content. This tool starts with the prospects (or followers, subscribers, etc.) and analyzes all of their social media behavior to find out if they actually do.
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More Thoughts & Such

How do you check prospects’ websites for specific code, technology, and software?
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How to Subscribe to Blogs / RSS Feeds via Email
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A Little of Both
January 3, 2024   Read this post →

Put it On Paper
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An Ode to Awe
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Change Has to Be Sold
September 27, 2023   Read this post →

Knowing When to Stop
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The Language of Uncertainty
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July 7, 2023   Read this post →

Who am I? Who do I want to be?
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Hi, I'm Gregg.

I'm a SaaS marketer and maker.


Never heard of me? All good, these days I don't chase influence as much as I do balance. By day I run marketing for Inntopia and evenings see me building SendView, but my happy place is playing in the mountains with my family.