November 1, 2017

My struggle with money.

I’ll tell you what, money is a weird thing.

It seemed pretty straightforward at first.

I knew I needed it for things like toothpaste and toilet paper. I knew I wanted some for things like lift tickets and lunch dates. But next thing I know I’m making enough that both my needs and wants are more than covered and I’m kinda at a loss for what comes next.

Bizarre, right?

Who gets a great job, climbs the ladder a bit, brings in a few bucks from side projects and then looks at their bank account one day and says:

“Ummmm…now what?”

I do, apparently.

Some people struggle with spending too much money, some people struggle to earn enough, my struggle is knowing what the heck I should do with the stuff.

Is it for spending?
One big thing?
Lots of small things?
Rainy days?
Every day?

Here’s what I do know.

A few weeks ago we took our kids on a weekend trip to Idaho. We jumped on the beds, ate greasy pizza, and swam as long as three pasty people possibly can.

I’m pretty sure money is for stuff like that.

Over the summer I took the cutest 4 year old in the universe on a train ride to Wendy’s for dinner.

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And I’m pretty sure money is for stuff like that.

Right now my wife is on a trip to New England. For the next three days she’ll explore the beautiful coast of Maine with one of her favorite people; her sister.

I may not have it all figured out yet, but I’m pretty sure money is for stuff like that.

And maybe that’s all it’s for.

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Hi, I'm Gregg.

I'm a SaaS marketer and maker.


Never heard of me? All good, these days I don't chase influence as much as I do balance. By day I run marketing for Inntopia and evenings see me building SendView, but my happy place is playing in the mountains with my family.