January 3, 2020

The Build or Not to Build

I just launched a brand-spankin’-new version of our dashboards on SendView. And I love them.

They were a combination of two things:

  • Feedback: what our customers had said
  • Our Vision: what we knew was possible

The balance between those two things, I’m finding, is interesting.

We have a really close relationship with almost every SendView user. We know them by name, they know us by name. Nobody feels uncomfortable reaching out to me and asking for help or whatever. That includes sharing ideas to make things better.

Yet, lately, we haven’t been getting as many of those. Instead, we’ve had emails like:

Gregg, we are loving SendView so far. Can we upgrade our account to be able to track more companies?

Just wanted to let you guys know I love the tagging feature. That’s an awesome addition. Nice work.

I really dig the Timelines, I think that’s my favorite part of my account.

To be clear, this is awesome. And I smile from ear to ear for hours when these emails come in. But, my vision for this tool and my list of “things I want to build” still has nearly 15 really exciting ideas on it.

So, do we keep building?

On the one hand the answer appears to be, YES, of course we should keep building. Anything that makes the platform better for users is a positive. Right?

But on the other, you could absolutely argue that, NO, we should take our foot of the gas. Every new feature increases the complexity of the product and creates one more thing that we need to support or could break. Which is a real thing to worry about when it’s just two of us behind the scenes. And if our customers love it just how it is?

See what I’m getting at?

We won’t stop building because the answer is neither one, it’s a balance. But I can’t help but think that balance will be a really important part of the SendView story in 2020.

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Hi, I'm Gregg.

I'm a SaaS marketer and maker.


Never heard of me? All good, these days I don't chase influence as much as I do balance. By day I run marketing for Inntopia and evenings see me building SendView, but my happy place is playing in the mountains with my family.